4 Methods to Insert a Timestamp in Excel Cell

In the digital age, where data is king, effectively managing and recording time-related information is crucial. By effectively using timestamps in Excel, you can easily track when data entries are made or modified, serving as a cornerstone in tasks like project management, record keeping, and data analysis.

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The 20 Most Useful Excel Shortcuts to Utilize

Learning the shortcuts on any program can cut the time it takes to produce a document. With a program like Excel that has so many uses, knowing some of its shortcuts can make navigating, entering formulas, and setting up worksheets quicker to do. Reasons to Use Shortcuts Excel has many uses, although creating spreadsheets is …

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Edit Cell Shortcut Excel for Mac

F2 in Excel for Mac

Switching to a Mac has its advantages but Excel shortcuts isn’t one of them. The main gripe I have is that keyboard shortcuts should be the same in every version of Excel, yet the Windows and Mac worlds are light-years apart. The F2 key is a fundamental shortcut I learned early in my Excel life. It edits the active cell and positions the cursor at the end of the cell contents.

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