Apple Keyboard Symbols in Excel

One key to understanding Excel 2001 for Mac is knowing the keyboard shortcuts, but to communicate them requires displaying the symbols that are specific to a Mac keyboard. The Media Browser has a nice area for Symbols that gave me what I needed. There are a few different ways to access the Media Browser. One …

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Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel 2011

Sorry if I get transfixed by shortcuts in Excel 2011, but they are a vital part of how I use Excel and so much different than Excel for Windows, so anything that helps the learning curve is worth the effort. In looking for something else, I discovered you can change the keyboard shortcuts in Excel …

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Recently Used File List in Excel

How many files will Excel show in the Recently Used File List? Well, it depends on the version of Excel you’re using and vary between 9 and ninety-nine files. Here is a list of Excel versions, menu navigation to the recent file list, and the max files allowed. Excel 2010, 2007 File>Options>Advanced tab>under the Display …

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Calculate the Xth Weekday of Any Month in Excel

I’ve a simple formula for calculating the Xth Weekday of ANY month. It takes four inputs: Year, Month, Week, and Day. And requires a couple of lookup tables for data validation, one with special formatting. The History It all started when my wife mentioned there were a couple of meetings she had to schedule at …

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Switch Between Relative and Absolute References in Excel for Mac

I’m a longtime user of Excel for Windows, but recently a newbie with Excel 2008 for Mac where I found that out the Windows shortcut F4 doesn’t work to switch between relative and absolute references when editing a formula. Thankfully Excel 2011 has a Switch Reference toolbar icon on the Formulas Ribbon, as shown below. …

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Enter a Constant Value in a Name

Once upon a time I was working with an unfamiliar Excel spreadsheet and came across a formula that used a Name, which I figured for a constant value and thought it hidden somewhere in the worksheet, yet couldn’t find it anywhere. It never dawned on me that a value doesn’t have to reside in a …

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Copy a Worksheet Picture in Excel 2003 or Excel 2008

There’s a neat trick you can use to copy a picture of a spreadsheet in Excel 2003 or Excel 2008 for Mac. It’s great for getting a spreadsheet snapshot into your presentation software. First you select the range you want to copy, then hold the shift key down while you click the Edit menu. What …

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Change Excel 2008 to Look Normal

I’m new to the Excel 2008, the Mac version. Every time I open the program it just looks weird. What bothers me is that the default view is Page Layout. I guess it comes like that out of the box. The regular Excel programs (Windows) are all setup with a Normal page layout as the …

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