Change Excel 2008 to Look Normal

I’m new to the Excel 2008, the Mac version. Every time I open the program it just looks weird. What bothers me is that the default view is Page Layout. I guess it comes like that out of the box. The regular Excel programs (Windows) are all setup with a Normal page layout as the …

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Add Freeze Panes Command to the Excel Quick Access Toolbar

One of the things I frequently do is Freeze Panes in my worksheet. This command locks data into place, like column headings, row headings, or both. So when scrolling down (or to the right) I know what type of data I’m looking at because the headings are still visible. [UPDATE: There’s a command hidden from …

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Open a CSV File

I have a Lose It! app on my iPhone that automatically backs up data to my web account. The website makes it easy to download reports using CSV files, essentially giving you a file with the raw data. A lot of programs export data using comma separated values, known as CSV files because of the …

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Generate a List of Dates in Excel

There are times when generating a list of dates comes in handy. Perhaps you need to log something every day for an entire year. Or maybe you’re tracking stock prices and want to skip the weekend and only use weekday dates. How about a list of dates for each week of the year? Or just …

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Microsoft Excel Date Systems for Windows and Mac

Microsoft Excel has two different date systems that you will probably never think about because they exist in two different worlds: Windows or Mac. However, if you are sharing Excel files between Windows and Mac computers the potential exists for a great deal of confusion around dates. What is a Date System? Dates are represented …

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Navigating Regions in Excel

Navigating large regions of data can be very quick and easy using keyboard or mouse shortcuts. You can also select entire rows or columns, although multiple row and column ranges work slightly different with each method. Using the Keyboard to Navigate a Range of Data I prefer to navigate ranges using the keyboard. Holding down …

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Organizing Data Into Regions

Organizing data into regions or ranges is the first step to harness the power of Microsoft Excel. If your data set is small, using the full power of Excel probably doesn’t mean very much. But as your data grows it’s important to let Excel do most of the work. Using features like sorting and filtering, …

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